Ministry of Infrastructure, Communication & Transport



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Hon. Mhe. Dkt Khalid S. Mohamed
Minister of Infrastructure, Communication and Transport

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25-08-2023 11:08:18

Since the tourism industry will have a significant impact on Zanzibar's economy, the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar has decided to build all the roads leading to the tourist destinations at Nungwi and Kendwa. When they visited to inspect the various roads in the area of Nungwi North Region Unguja, the leaders of the Ministry of Infrastructure, Communications, and Transport, led by the Deputy Secretary General Shomar Omar Shomar in collaboration with the leaders of the Institute of the Office of the President Monitoring and Management of Government Performance (PDB), and under the supervision of the Infrastructure Manager-PDB Engineer John Msemo, explained this. They have mentioned that 12.5 kilometers of roads will be constructed in tourist areas to provide services and they claimed that the government would begin constructing the roads leading to the Zalu hotel and the area around the Nungwi airport before moving on to other roads. Furthermore, they have made it clear that the government will begin with the roads as soon as it is convenient, even as it continues to assess the current roads in people's neighborhoods to determine the best way to remove the water by constructing foundations to channel the water. The Institute of the President's Office Monitoring and Management of Government Performance has stated that they are closely monitoring the implementation of the Hon. All of the roads leading to tourist destinations are to be built to the highest possible standard by laying foundations for water, according to the President's directives. Engineer Iddy Habibu Mbarouk of the URKUN company clarified that the business is considering the possibility of creating and modifying the drawings and submitting the pertinent parts in order to construct those roads. The Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar has already signed a contract for the construction of those roads with the URKUN Company, including the Jumbi - Tunguu road, the Charawe- Ukongoroni- Bwejuu road as well as the Bungi road whose construction has been completed.




27-12-2022 09:12:13

Executives of Government institutions related to infrastructure issues have been asked to take action to ensure that infrastructure projects are completed on schedule. Minister of Construction, Communications and Transport Dr. Khalid Salum Mohamed has made the call while opening a meeting of stakeholders for the construction of 100.9 km of urban roads that are expected to be built soon. He said that the stakeholders of the sector should take immediate steps to ensure that the construction movement continues but also ensure that social services continue to be available such as water, electricity and communication to the people. Minister Dr. Khalid has asked parties concerned with compensation issues to be careful when evaluating compensation to avoid fraud. In providing a solution to the issue, Dr. Khalid has asked the officials while doing the exercise to take pictures of the beneficiaries and their properties when they are in their actual locations. Speaking on the issue of compensation, the Secretary General of the Ministry of Construction, Communications and Transport, Khadija Khamis Rajab, has said that there has been a challenge for the Government to pay people unreasonable compensation due to some people building in road reserve areas, which puts the ministry in a difficult time. . On his part, the Head of the Urban Region Hon. Idrissa Kitwana Mustafa has praised the efforts of the Ministry of Construction for calling the meeting of stakeholders as doing so helps to a great extent to ensure that all actors have a common view on the project being implemented. Closing the meeting, the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Construction, Communications and Transport Hon. Nadir Abdula-tif Yussuf has asked some executives to start taking measures to completely remove the infrastructure in the areas where the road projects will pass in order to remove the inconvenience to the builders who were given the task of building those roads.




27-12-2022 08:12:14

The leadership of the Ministry of Construction, Communications and Transport Zanzibar made a visit to visit the infrastructure of the road that goes to the hospital projects that are being built with the aim of strengthening the infrastructure. The leaders of the ministry visited the hospitals being built in the district and the roads that go to the development buildings including the hospital, the existing schools in Jango'mbe bintamran, Mwanakwerekwe, Chumbuni, and ending Lumumba area. Speaking immediately after the completion of the visit, the Minister of Construction, Communications and Transport Zanzibar Dr. Khalid Salum Mohamed said that the Government through the Ministry of Construction will build those roads as part of the implementation of the government's ambition to strengthen road systems. "Let me just say that all the projects built with the relief funds of UVIKO 19 will ensure that we deliver the road infrastructure with the aim of putting a good impression in those buildings" said minister Dr. Khalid In addition, Hon. Minister has said that some roads will be built by the Zanzibar Road Agency and other roads will be built by the CCECC company from China.




22-12-2022 07:12:25

Minister of Construction, Communications and Transport Dr. Khalid Salum Mohamed has asked the leadership of the Shehia of Kandwi to cooperate with the Government on the availability of gravel and rubble resources for the construction of roads that are expected to be built. Minister Dr. Khalid has explained this while on a special visit to inspect and talk with the people of the Shehia of Kandwi in the North District "A" in the North Unguja Region where in the visit Minister Dr. Khalid has accompanied the Deputy Minister of the Ministry Hon. Nadir Abdul-tif Yussuf. Hon. Minister has called on the leadership of the Kandwi Shehia as well as the citizens to cooperate with the CCECC company’s contractors who will use the area to obtain resources for road construction. He has assured the citizens that the Government through the Ministry of Construction, Communications and Transport will ensure that it closely supervises the access to the right of compensation for the citizens whose lands will be used for the work of resource extraction. "I assure you that not a single citizen will be oppressed, but also Hon. Sheha make sure that there is no fraud in this exercise" said Minister Dr. Khalid Along with other things Hon. Minister has called on the executives in charge of the compensation exercise to be careful in their work and to abandon any kind of tricks because as the Head of the Ministry, he will not tolerate the Executive going against the ethics of his work. And the citizens of the Shehia led by Hon. The Sheha have asked the ministry to re-evaluate using the right method to remove people who are not involved in the exercise. They have said that there are people who are not involved at all in the work that will continue in the area, but due to lack of trust, they come forward and demand compensation against the procedure. For his part, Deputy Minister Hon. Nadiri Abdula-TIF as a representative in the state has said that the people of Kandwi have no problems in matters of interest and development of the country and promised that they will provide the cooperation they deserve.


New Board Member


28-02-2022 06:02:12

The Second Vice President of Zanzibar, Hon. Hemed Suleiman Abdulla handing over to the Secretary of the Revolutionary Council and the Permanent Secretary to the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar, Eng Zena Said the address of the Office of the President at the State House during the working session and the initiation of the residence address operation. Zanzibar held at Sheikh Abdul Wakil Hall, Zanzibar center observed by the Minister of Information, Communications and Information Technology, Hon Nape Nnauye.


Signining Contract


22-01-2022 16:01:23

The signing ceremony between the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology through the Universal Communications Fund (UCSAF) and the Zanzibar Telecommunication Company(ZANTEL) witnessed by Ministers and Permanent Secretaries of both parties (SMT and SMZ)aim of Building Towers Phone for areas that do not have Telecommunications in Zanzibar.

Announcement Event
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Expression of Interest

18-03-2022 16:03:34


22-01-2022 16:01:27


Title Date File
2024-2025 Ministry budget speech 04-06-2024 07:06:16 Download
2023–2024 Ministry budget speech 05-06-2023 07:06:52 Download
Zanzibar ICT Policy 02-12-2021 08:12:45 Download